Covid-19 Update for Patients, Visitors, and Guests
Update: South Sound Behavioral Hospital will be Providing COVID-19 Vaccinations
Before the coronavirus vaccine becomes available to the general public, South Sound Behavioral Hospital will be providing COVID-19 Vaccinations to all front line caregivers and employees as soon as it is available.
We have developed an implementation process and prioritized distribution to front line teams and vulnerable populations as soon as the vaccines are received.
Until that time, we follow the State Department of Health’s Guidelines, assuring all workers are wearing face coverings, practicing good Hand Hygiene, and social distancing to limit exposure.
Safety is number one; we can get through this together.
We remain open 24/7 and our full range of mental health and addiction services are available.
We understand the importance of seeing loved ones receiving care, and we know the value visitors bring to our patients. However, given the concern about COVID-19 and the recommendations by the CDC, we are limiting outside visitors to reduce the risk of infection in our hospital. We ask that visitors adhere to these restrictions so that we can maintain the safest possible environment for everyone.
Effectively Immediately: We are canceling all adult patient visitation and non-essential onsite meetings and tours. We encourage patients and their families to communicate through phone and video chat as much as possible. Details for video chat will be provided. We will also increase the times patients have for phone use. Please check with the facility for any visitation changes before arriving at the facility.
When it becomes necessary to visit the facility all individuals will be screened for temperature reading and questioning about illness or contact with any corona virus patient. This includes patient visitors, deliveries, scheduled and unscheduled visits by anyone.
As we implement these safeguards it is also important to remember that each of us has a role to play in keeping ourselves and others healthy. Wash your hands thoroughly. Avoid touching your hands to your face. Limit close contact with people who are sick. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Take care of yourself.
We thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of our patients and staff.
And, please remember this can take a toll on our mental health. We will continue to provide a no charge assessment to help all ages through this difficult time. Call 24-7.
Additional Resources
- Mental health experts offer counsel on staying calm during coronavirus pandemic
- 9 Practices To Help Maintain Mental Health During The Coronavirus Lockdown